import ballerina/math;
import ballerina/io;

//randomly picks two number between 1 and 200 and then computes the prime numbers in between the selected numbers.
public function main() {
    int r1 = math:randomInRange(1, 200);
    int r2 = math:randomInRange(1, 200);
    // Make sure the numbers are not the same
    while (r1 == r2) {
        r1 = math:randomInRange(1, 200);
    // Make sure r1 is always the smaller number
    if (r1 > r2) {
        int temp = r1;
        r1 = r2;
        r2 = temp;
    int r1backup = r1;
    int[] primes = [];
    // Scan through all numbers adding to the prime array if they are prime
    while (r1 < r2) {
        int j = 2;
        boolean prime = true;
        while (j < (r1 - 1)) {
            if ((r1 % j) == 0) {
                // Not prime
                prime = false;
            j = j + 1;
        if (prime) {
            primes[primes.length()] = r1;
        r1 = r1 + 1;
    io:println("Lower bound: " + r1backup);
    io:println("Upper bound: " + r2 + "\nPrimes: ");